Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Light

I went to Easter Vigil mass last night;
The congregation gathered outside the church––holding un-light candles.
The priest read a passage from the bible and then explained the significance of the candle light; he lit the blessed candle, and then the parishioners each lit their candle from the light of the first. Turning and sharing the light that they had received.
We walked into the pitch black church.
I reached an unoccupied pew and stood alone in the darkness.
I felt sadness––I missed my family, friends and Jeff.
Easter used to be full of color, light, family gatherings and joy.
Tears came to my eyes; all of the sudden the watery glaze illuminated the candle I was holding––I followed the glow around the church.  It was beautiful.
The flicker of light finally lead me back to the cross.  I looked up and realized,
I am not alone––I never have been and never will be, so long as I believe in Gods word.
In that moment I felt calm, grateful, supported, and blessed.
My focus for the past three months has been centered on light: seeking light, living in light, shining my light––how appropriate that I decided to attend an Easter Vigil.
I needed to be reminded that Easter is more than past memories, chocolate bunnies, family gatherings and expensive brunches––it’s a time to reflect on the sacrifice that was made so that we could seek the light.

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