Sunday, February 14, 2016

Me and My Shadow: The Collaboration

I’m working on joining forces with my alter ego;
The short, fat kid with acne who still lives inside of me––making occasional appearances in moments of pressure, fear, or uncomfortable circumstances.
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m going to give my little butterball the love and attention he needs.
Rather than trying to hide that version of myself (or worse, pretend he never existed), I’m going to listen to him.  I’m going to be the “cool” best friend that he thought he never had in middle school.
His rage, insecurity, passion, and need to be heard has helped motivate my life;
Now I’m in a position to help him heal.
I’ve done the work.  I accept who I am.  I’m not afraid to expose the dark imperfections.
It’s time.

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