Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Grandpa Knew Best

My grandpa used to tell me that I worried, too much.
I would sit at the table while my grandma and grandpa read the morning paper, and my mind would be lost in thought;
Grandpa would ask, “What’s wrong Matt?”
I would shake my head and say, “nothing.”
He would laugh, and then remind me, “Life is short––don’t worry so much. Whatever you’re thinking about, if you want to do it––do it; if you don’t want to do it––don’t do it.”
It was simple, albeit lost on me at the time.
But grandpa was right, and it works this way, too:
If you want to be angry––be angry; if you don’t want to be angry––don’t be angry.
There’s no point in allowing someone or something to effect your life.
Release and move on.
The past is gone, why live there in your mind?

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