Saturday, January 2, 2016


I don’t care how cliché it is––timing is everything.
I do believe everything happens for a reason;
From the most brilliant to the down right disastrous,
I trust that everything I encounter is a piece of the puzzle that will prepare me for a larger picture.
I sat down to set goals and incorporate ideas to work towards in 2016, as I do at the start of every new beginning.
After several weeks of meditation and thought, the theme of “light” continued to nag at me.
The idea of drowning out the darkness with the pure positive energy of light continued to call, so it is––my focus will be to find the light in every circumstance.
Today, I picked up a book that I purchased back in 2008––for whatever reason I was unable to appreciate the message at the time, so it sat on my shelf, and started working on my own book.
Now, eight years later, my book has been published and I’m in a very different place in my life.
I decided to start reading Eckhart Tolle’s, “A New Earth” as part of another goal for 2016.  The once cumbersome words were now shining off the page.  It wasn’t until I got to the last sentence in the first chapter that I knew I had selected the perfect time to read this book:
“The light of consciousness its all that is necessary.  You are that light.”
Timing is everything.

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