Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Work In Progress

I’m currently working on my next book and I forced myself to look back through old journals in order to accurately remember the past.
There’s a reason people warn you not to look back.
You get to revisit the best memories, but you have to relive the shitty parts, too.
It’s strange how far away some of those moments feel now;
Others flash before me like a movie and I struggle to believe they actually happened.
Reading the pages from my journals helped me to appreciate how far I’ve come and how focused I was, even back then, to set goals and work towards them.
I am proud of where I am and who I’ve become, and I accept that every day brings a new opportunity to evolve as a person.
The beautiful discovery is while I continue to work toward self-improvement and career advancement, I'm living my dream—and that is my definition of “making it.”

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