Sunday, February 8, 2015

YoGaOT To Compare...

The sweat gushes into my eyes as I make my way from warrior three back to one leg-mountain pose.  My standing leg is on fire and my foot feels like I spent three weeks hiking through the wilderness in a pair of boots that were a size too small.  The room is 90 degrees and we're only half way through the practice.
It feels like torture, and I love it!
Just when it feels like my leg is going to melt, the yogi encourages us to continue to breath through it––or not.
Wait, what?
She continues, "...Yoga is not about accomplishing a pose.  Yoga is you. There is no right or wrong. Don't compare yourself to anyone else in the room.  Accept where you're at and if you can't breath through it, drop down to child's pose and let it go."
That's my problem with society now, we're afraid to compete with one another. If something feels uncomfortable we give up.  We've become so brainwashed to believe that it's okay to accept mediocracy.
I get it, yoga is a zen thing...
I practice to better myself.  To become more evolved: mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  Remind me how that's supposed to happen without pushing myself?  Which by the way, involves having a point of contact to compare my success.
I'm just saying...

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