Monday, February 16, 2015

5, 6, 7, 8 Write!

Give a dancer a count off and they take action.
Regardless of what it is, a dancer is ready and willing to attempt the challenge.
I'm sitting at my computer, staring at a blank page––working on my next book.
The problem isn't a lack of stories or where to begin; it's finding the time to do everything.
I pride myself on being exceptional at making lists and getting things done, but right now I feel overwhelmed with lists.
The walls in my office look like that cliché scene from any TV show or movie with the crazy serial-whatever who is tracking down alien-govenment conspiracy-missing children.
I always thought writer's block derived from a lack of creativity or inspiration, but now I'm pretty sure mine developed because it's so hard to block out any time for writing!
Which explains why I have so many notes on the wall (and my iPhone app) that say: write about "_____" when you have time.

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