Thursday, August 7, 2014

Reasons I STILL Love NYC:

You can walk into a random Starbucks near Union Square and run into an old friend, (even though neither of you actually live in NYC anymore) and pick up right where you left off.

You can sit in a park and be approached by three complete strangers from three different countries, who are all in an English class-and they want to engage in conversation to better understand the language. (P.S. All three spoke better English than a third of the people who are actually born here.)

You can eat a three course meal at 1AM and nobody thinks anything of it.

But my favorite part, you can walk around any area of this city and gaze up and see no less than: 10 different types of architecture, 10 different ethnicities and 10 different styles of fashion-all while watching an uber wealthy stockbroker avoid eye contact with a homeless man.


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